Engineering Dynamics Services

Condition Monitoring Service

On site Balancing

Up to 20 % of all machine and equipment failures is due to in-balance of internal or external components that causes wear on all components associated and ultimately leads to failure This can be prevented. 

Through scheduled Condition Monitoring and regular checks you can prevent these expensive failures

We do On site Balancing on almost any rotating equipment. We do a lot of work on various Sugar Mills in Africa and have vast experience in this regard on cane knives, shredders etc.    

We can do any balancing on rotating equipment providing we have access to put weights on the equipment. We have done work from the West Coast to the East Coast of Africa on various plants and on a wide range of equipment.

To have your equipment balanced on site to precision contact Engineering Dynamics Services...

Engineering Dynamics also sell Balancing and Vibration Equipment and offer product support and Training in this regard.

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