Oil analysis
Accurate and comprehensive oil analysis is vital for good machine health and can tell us a great deal about the condition of a machine and its components. We offer a remote service and it is a integral part of our Condition Monitoring Service at Engineering Dynamics Services.
We use the Trivector Concept.... it indicates chemistry problems with normal wear and contamination levels
- Chemistry problem could be caused by wrong oil, additive depletion, TAN increase, emulsified water, soot increase, oxidation, nitration, sulfation, and viscosity change
- Chemistry problem may progress to a contamination problem.
- Contamination may be caused by water, large non-ferrous (>60u), water droplets.
- Chemistry and contamination problems eventually cause wear problems.
- Wear indication caused by abnormal wear (>5u) and large ferrous (>60u)
NB. When this technique is used in conjunction with vibration and Infra-red analysis, virtually all potential problems are covered. Contact us today...
Engineering Dynamics also sell the OilView QuickCheck System that can be used onsite to screen a large number of samples to determine if they need to go to an Oil Lab for further analysis or not.